Monday, December 6, 2010

Power Down Day is a DON'T

POWER DOWN DAY WAS HORRIBLE! It was so hard, but at the beginning I actually enjoyed myself. When I woke up in the morning I was kind of excited that I didn’t have to check my phone or Facebook. It felt good just starting my day having no one bothering me or no one to respond to, just me, myself, and I. I was able to make it through the first hour and a half without even looking at my phone, knowing that since it was off I wouldn’t have to worry about anything. It was a little bit after noon when I started to become a little restless, but that was just before the storm hit. All at once I started itching to use my cell phone. I needed to text my friends and see what it was we were going to do that day, and I really wanted to check my Facebook, it had been almost 12 hours since my last log in. It was getting tougher by the second and I didn’t know if I was going to make it. So, instead of sitting around and waiting for sleep, which was about 10 hours away, I decided to do something worthwhile, and go shopping. So my mom and I (I had no way to get a hold of my friends) went to the mall, and pretty much any other store in Mentor just to keep my mind off of it. My mom really enjoyed the fact that I could not use my phone because we could carry on a conversation without interruption, and I was actually focused on what she was saying. After shopping we went out to eat together and then rented a movie for the whole family to watch. It was a really relaxing day with the family, but I can’t lie, by ten thirty that night, I had turned my phone on, and checked Facebook. So I failed at power down day, but I did try my hardest, it is just impossible for a person in our society to actually go a full day without technology.

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