Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Bad Student in Action

On my third day of observation I was able to experience one students mean comments on another student and how the teacher handle the situation. A little boy in the class was having an unusually bad attitude that was out of character. This attitude led to an argument whirlwind in the middle of our reading circle.

It all started with a rough morning at home and a little girl’s frustrating and hurtful comments did not help. The little girl had become frustrated with her tablemates negative attitude and told him that she wished his dog would die. This was what led to the argument in the middle of our calm reading time. The little boy would not sit down on the carpet, which made the teacher upset. After allowing him to sit at his desk quietly he started to cry. The little girl continued writing taunting sentences and stories about him and passing them in notes to him. He soon had an explosion of anger and was sent to the office after being asked to settle down. The teacher handled all of the other students comments about the outburst very well and helped to discontinue any problematic situations between the kids. With the teachers calming words and authoritative response to the scene caused the classroom stayed under control.

1 comment:

  1. Cate-

    I am glad that you are having a good experience in your classroom so far. It sounds like you are a positive addition in the classroom. It is a nice that you got to see how the teacher handled a situation like you described. Kids can be so demeaning to each other sometimes, and I’m sure that it is something that will be extremely common in our classrooms. I hope that I am able to see a situation like this during my observing time so I will know how to deal with it. Good luck with the rest of your observing and I hope you enjoy the rest of your semester!
