Tweeting isn’t just for the birds these days! I am so interested in the way teachers could use twitter in the classroom. So at first when I heard this idea I felt a little bit uneasy, especially because it is such a large social networking website that anyone can have. After thinking about it a little more though, I found some advantages to having an education based twitter account such as communication. This is an awesome way to keep parents up to date on what is going on in the classroom. You can alert parents very easily on things such as homework, materials needed the next day for class, and exciting things that happen in the classroom on a regular basis. Another reason twitter is good for educational purposes is because it is a quick and easy way for students to ask their teachers question. They can just tweet their question and their teacher will receive an instant notification, whether it be about homework or what to bring to class, and then the teacher can respond just as quickly. Also if it is a homework question, other students in the class can then also see it and maybe help their fellow classmate out. I think that if it is possible to make your Twitter account safe and monitored regularly, it can really add a little bit of extra help and information to a classroom. So if our future is going to continuously be technology based, integrating it into the classroom will be a battle worth fighting for.