Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Diversity in the Classroom

Web 2.0, Interact with Technology
The tool that I found on web 2.0 was an awesome resource for teachers in all areas! It is called E-Learning for Kids (http://bit.ly/co3ebQ ) and has links from what the site is about to subject areas in education. I clicked on grade level one, which opened a page of many interactive games that a teacher can use to get their students involved and learning while having fun. The course selection consisted of language arts, math, science, computer skills, and environment skills, and each had at least one interactive game. I think these kinds of tools are really helpful and good to have in the classroom not only for class, but also as an incentive for some students. It’s a great tool because it is not only educational but also fun and will make students want to play the games. Another educational way this website can be utilized is by centers. The teacher I observed last semester had computers as one of her centers and the kids absolutely loved it. They were so excited when that was the center they were assigned too, even if it meant they had to do something educational. I think it is great introducing technology into the classrooms because it gets kids at a young age to start expanding their knowledge on how technology works, and then how to use it. Its important to get kids excited to learn and I think using the technology we have in our world is a good way to get positive interaction.